Monday 14 July 2014


 Helllloooooo people..

This time I am gonna talk about my favourite pass time... n that's none other than taking  selfies... so how many of you  indulge yourself in this never so tiring job???
I guess all of us have clicked at least one selfie  and those who aren’t aware of what i am  talking about ... let me make it clear to you!

A Selfie is a photograph whose quality is often directly proportionate to the length of the photographer's arm .It is the lovingly crafted image of the I.  

The first selfie I ever took was in SCHOOL TIME. It was way before the word selfie even existed. There is a pleasurable and impulsive quality about selfies. It can reflect an intimate yet idealized image of one's self. I would never say there should be an age limit for selfies. I love the idea that people of any age, can take a photo of themselves to document a fun or special moment in their lives
Perhaps this is one of the reasons for the selfie's rise in popularity. And of course, there are no limits to the photos you can take in order to achieve the perfect image. No film is wasted like in the old days and bad shots can be deleted just as quickly as they were taken. Once the perfect shot is achieved,  You have a flawless, flattering image to share with the world.                                             

SELFIE  was selected as the word of 2013 by OXFORD DICTIONARIES on Nov 18,2013.
I am a huge victim  of the selfie syndrome.. but I guess it's a sign of a happy state of does get addictive but yes you tend to love yourself even more....
When the word 'SELFIE' became a trend , a song was released by American DJ duo in order to take advantage of this popular word and its lyrics goes like ' but first, let me take a selfie"

On the negative side, research shows that the trend of taking pictures of oneself could cause narcissism  ,addiction ,mental illness and even suicide. When you are not able to take the perfect selfie you end up taking a number of pictures of become so obsessed. While gadgets and social media cause addiction and other dangers, people are in extreme denial about the level of threat these types of communications pose, especially to impressionable teens. Taking selfies can be detrimental to a person’s mental health and that indulging in them is indicative of narcissism, low self esteem, attention seeking behaviour and self-indulgence.

There is this famous example of 'DANNY BOWMAN' all over the internet , he became so obsessed with trying to take the “right” selfie that he ended up shooting about 200 pictures a day while trying desperately to capture the perfect image of himself. When Bowman failed to take what he perceived to be the perfect selfie, he attempted suicide by taking an overdose of drugs. Bowman’s parents recount how Bowman would spend many hours in his room taking selfies until his addiction culminated in not only a drastic weight loss, but also a terrifying suicide attempt. While Bowman’s case may sound unique and extreme, experts in psychology as well as medical doctors say this problem is far more widespread than is generally understood.

However, it has been proven by multiple studies that interacting with other types of social media is definitively linked to narcissism, depression, low self esteem, addiction and a host of other negative effect. For example, Facebook use has been linked to depression while Twitter use has been linked to low self esteem and narcissism.  
Just like everything, selfies have negative as well as positive effects... I am not trying to pass any judgement but yes  don’t just take selfies to upload them on social media.. they are not just meant for public display but much more.. take selfies out of love and fun not out of competition..... 


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